国際海運会議所ガイダンス『COVID-19: 船員のワクチン接種に関する法律、責任および保険の問題』の発行

Coronavirus Legal Liability Insurance Vaccination of Seafarers

本ガイダンスは、船員に対する新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19) のワクチン接種に関連して起こりうる、法的問題や使用者責任および保険に関する諸問題について記述しており、船主向けに発行されたものです。

This Guidance addresses legal, liability and insurance issues that could potentially arise for shipowners from or in connection with vaccinations of crew for coronavirus (COVID-19). It considers questions that have been raised by members such as: whether and under what conditions a shipowner can require crew to have vaccination, what vaccines may be safely given and what might be the potential liabilities for shipowners in requiring crew to be vaccinated. It provides guidance on best employment practice to protect against such liabilities and information on insurance cover for such liabilities under the shipowner’s standard Protection and Indemnity (P&I) insurance.

The full document can be downloaded below. 


  • COVID-19-Legal-Liability-Insurance-Issues-Vaccination-of-Seafarers 284 KB


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PI Club
