中国-広州の港にてCOVID-19 感染拡大防止対策を強化

Huatai Marine Circular_PNI2021_01

当クラブのコレスポンデンツであるHuatai Marineの回覧によると、広州市南沙区の港では、香港・マカオルートで寄港する船舶の乗船者に対し、より強化したCOVID-19 感染拡大防止対策を要求しています。

UK Club Correspondents Huatai Marine have provided the below Circular outlining the stricter Epidemic Control on Boarding Personnel at Ports of Guangzhou.


Stricter epidemic control on boarding personnel has been announced by Nansha District of Guangzhou City On January 7, 2021, named “Procedures of Boarding Operations and Change of Crew for Ships of International, Hong Kong and Macao Routes at Nansha Port Area (The Third Edition)”.

The Circular can be downloaded below. 

For more information please get get in touch with your usual Club contact who will be pleased to assist you.


  • Huatai Marine Circular_PNI2021_01 145 KB


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