中国- 2022年5月1日より夏季の禁漁期間開始
The Club’s correspondent in China, Huatai Marine, provide in their latest Circular No: PNI [2022] 05 details of this summer’s fishing ban along China’s coastal areas. The fishery administrations of Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi provinces and other relevant municipal fishery authorities have issued Implementation Plans for the summer fishing ban which enters into force on 1 May 2022.
Huatai Marine advise that from their experience, the density of fishing boats at sea will be higher at the beginning and at the end of the fishing ban. Members are therefore recommended to note the commencement and end dates of the ban as applicable to each coastal area so that proper measures may be put in place to avoid collisions with fishing boats.
Huatai Marine’s Circular No: PNI [2022] 05 may be downloaded below.