
The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the original author or contributor. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the UK P&I Club.


World Mental Health Day 2017 falls on Tuesday 10th October.  The day provides an opportunity for all the major stakeholders working on mental health topics to showcase their work, and highlight the gaps which prevent a positive mental health care environment Worldwide. 

This year's theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is "mental health in the workplace".  A theme equally important for all employers of people, whether land or sea based, particularly those keen to promote well-being throughout their organisation. 

Education to raise awareness, early identification to ensure the best chance of recovery, and support through the health options are the three key components to a positive mental health policy.

Poor mental health is no different to poor physical health and can be treated the same when it comes to looking after crew.  Poor mental health can negatively impact on a person's physical health and actually lead to an increased risk of suffering some conditions such as heart disease. 

With a focus on recognising the signs and tackling the symptoms of poor mental health the Club has recently put together two Crew Health bulletins focussing on this important topic

 You can find out more on the Clubs dedicated 'Crew Health' pages here

Sophia Grant

Crew Health Programme Director
