シンガポール- 高硫黄燃料油サンプルから塩素化炭化水素を検出


Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS)は、シンガポールで高硫黄燃料油サンプルから塩素化炭化水素が検出されたと報じています。船舶の燃料ポンプの腐食やスラッジを生じる恐れがあるため、現在シンガポール海事港湾庁が原因を調査中です。

Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) has confirmed that they have detected chlorinated hydrocarbons on fuel samples representing HSFO deliveries in Singapore.

The fuel deliveries were made by a couple of suppliers. These bad bunkers are causing cases of fuel pump corrosion/seizure and sludging. VPS continues to investigate, running both GS-MS (Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer) and stability tests. 

Great efforts are also being undertaken by the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore to locate the root cause. MPA has contacted bunker suppliers to take steps to stop the supply of the bad batch of fuel. They have also informed all the ships supplied with the fuel to exercise caution.

It is recommended to take samples before and after the fuel treatment plant to gauge the fuel oil quality at the engine inlet. This will help in any subsequent assessment of increased engine wear and damages, and in resolving fuel quality dispute.


Staff Author

PI Club
