中国:青島周辺海域のアオサの除去作業 - 2022年5月1日から9月1日

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中国の青島(Qingdao)周辺の海域では、異常繁殖したアオサ(緑藻)の除去作業が行われており9月1日まで続く見込みです。同海域には多数の漁船が除去作業に参加していますので、船舶の航行は可能な限り避けることをお勧めします。詳細についてはOasis P&I Services発行のCircular No.2205をご参照ください。

The Club would like to draw Members' attention to the latest circular from our correspondent in China, Oasis P&I Services Limited. A clean-up operation of enteromorpha (a green alga) is currently taking place along the coastal waters of Qingdao, and will continue until 1 September. As a large number of fishing boats are involved in the clean-up operation, Members are recommended to avoid navigating in this area, if at all possible. If this is not possible, then the recommended routes as shown in the attached circular should be used, and the Ship Routing System strictly followed. 

Please download Oasis' P&I's Circular No. 2205 below for additional details. 

Jacqueline Tan

Legal Services Manager
