
China flag

中国沿岸において漁業解禁となる2022年8月16日以降に商船と漁船の衝突事故が多発しますが、福建省MSAと漁業当局は衝突リスクの特に高いとされる海域を発表しました。詳しくは、OASIS P&I Services Limitedからの回覧をご確認ください。

The Club would like to draw Members' attention to the latest circular from our non-local correspondent OASIS P&I Services Limited.

This circular relates to the lifting of the fishing ban starting from 16th August 2022 on China's coast/waters, causing large numbers of Chinese fishing boats leaving their home ports, which may result in collision hazards for our Members.

Sean Song

Claims and Loss Prevention Executive
