中国MSAは、第5回中国国際輸入博覧会を円滑に開催するため、2022年10月21日から11月10日までの期間に、上海の黄浦江管理水域に入る外航・内航船舶に対し特別安全監督を実施すると発表しました。詳細は当クラブのコレスポンデンツ、OASIS P&I Services社からの回覧をご覧ください。
The Club would like to direct Members' attention to the latest circular from our Club correspondent OASIS P&I Services Ltd.
This circular relates to the announcement of special safety supervision for ships entering the controlled waters of Huangpu River of Shanghai from 21 October to 10 November 2022. The announcement lists various requirements for both domestic and international trading ships respectively.
Ships are suggested to follow the relevant requirements in the announcement as well as the regulations against COVID-19.
The circular is available for download below.