燃料油の品質クレーム - 技術的・法的問題に関するFAQ


当クラブのシンガポールオフィスより、4月と5月にお届けした2回のウェビナーには多数のご参加をいただき有難うございました。本ウェビナーでの質疑応答を文書にまとめた『Fuel Quality Claims – Technical and Legal FAQ』を資料としてお届けします。COVID-19拡大感染を防ぐためのソーシャル・ディスタンスの観点から、クラブはメンバーと加入船舶の安全性を保ちつつサービスを提供するため、ウェビナーという形を選択しました。

The UK P&I Club successfully conducted two webinars in April and May 2020 from our Singapore office. In view of the social distancing measures put into place due to COVID-19, this was one of the ways the Club adapted to service its Members and ensure the safety of its Membership and entered tonnage.

The webinars addressed the following topics:

  • Bunker Quality Claims – Practical and Legal issues
  • Technical Aspects of a Fuel Quality Claim

Moderated by Anuj Velankar, Senior Loss Prevention Advisor, UK P&I Club and featuring Ansuman Ghosh, Risk Assessor, UK P&I Club, the webinars were well attended with over 1,000 registrations and a worldwide audience. There were numerous questions submitted during both talks, and the following seeks to address the queries posed.


Captain Anuj Velankar

Regional Loss Prevention Director (Singapore)

Ansuman Ghosh

Director of Risk Assessment
