UK P&I CLUB ライブウェビナー (Series 6): 航海計画とブリッジ・リソース・マネジメント(BRM)の法的側面
CMA CGM Libraについての判決で、高等裁判所は航海計画に不備があるとし、それが船舶の不堪航性につながったと指摘しました。
In a recent decision on the CMA CGM Libra, the Court of Appeal held that defects in passage planning, could render a vessel unseaworthy.
In the last Webinar, we had a look at the practical aspects of this issue. The discussion focused on what ship staff can do to ensure proper passage planning and bridge resource management while at the same time, the steps the shore team can take to support the bridge team. However, various questions in relation to the legal aspects still remain unanswered.
What effect does this decision have on the legal obligations of the Master and the Owners? Has the bar been set so high for the Owners to demonstrate due diligence? Where does "Error of Navigation" end and "unseaworthiness" begin? Will this fundamentally affect the way General Average claims will be handled going forward? What steps can the Owners and Charterers take in their Charter party or their contracts with shippers to rebalance these risks? As the case goes on appeal in the Supreme Court, this webinar discusses what is at stake.